Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pork Sandwiches

So I had to travel for work.  I went to a great training.  One of the sectionals was "At the Movies." These presenters take movie clips and then use that clip to train on one of the things you should do or shouldn't do.  It is entertaining, funny, and they get their point across without being to lecturey (spell check doesn't think that is a real word, but after 28 years in education, I know it is).

One of the clips came from the movie "The Shining."  I've never seen the movie because I'm not allowed to see scary movies.  If you've seen the movie you will know what part I am talking about, if you haven't I can't give you any more details, sorry.

So this little boy is riding his Big Wheels through the halls of the empty hotel his family is babysitting for the winter.  They are the only people in the hotel.  So, what a surprise when he comes to the dead end hallway and there are two girls, dressed in old fashioned dresses, standing there.  They say something like "come play with us, forever and ever and ever..."

Then there is a lot of blood and, I think, body pieces all over.  I don't know what happens next because I looked down.  I'm not allowed to look at movies like that, and I was staying in a hotel room BY MYSELF.  I don't even remember what point the presenters were trying to make with this clip because  I was so upset by the whole bloody scene.

That night, after I checked the closet and under the bed, I finally drifted off to sleep.  About 1:30 in the morning there were sirens, flashing lights, and all kinds of noise on the street, 10 floors below my window.  I woke up, but nope, I did not get out of bed to check because those damn girls in the old dresses just might be the cause of all the noise, and I wasn't getting out of bed in case they were under there ready to grab my feet.  You know those covers protect you from all the monsters in the night.  I was pretty tired the next day between the noise and the bad dreams from that stupid movie clip.

I made these sandwiches for dinner the other night.  Dave grilled the meat while I put the rest of it  together.  We sat down to watch a movie...only G rated movies for me, thank-you.

Pork Pita with Tahini Sauce

for Tahini Sauce

  • 1/2 cup plain 2% Greek-style yogurt 
  • 1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • garlic clove, minced
  • Dash of salt

  • for Pork
  • 4 (4 oz.) pork loin chops, I just buy a pork loin and cut chops
  • Executive chef seasoning, or other steak seasoning
to finish sandwiches
4 pita halves, pocket carefully opened
12 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
4 lettuce leaves
12 slices cucumber
2 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley

Mix ingredients for Tahini Sauce.  Put in refrigerator.

Pound pork to about 1/4 inch thick.  Season generously with steak seasoning.  Grill over med.-high heat 3-4 minutes per side.  Remove from heat and let rest.

Carefully open pita pocket, spread generously with Tahini Sauce, add tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, and parsley dividing evenly between pockets. Add pork and serve.

May14, 2013     Daylight 18 hours, 37 minutes, 07 seconds   Temp. H 43/ L 27°F

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