Monday, October 28, 2013

Easy Nutella Cookies

It is a good thing we have Fridays.  My brain must have been full last Friday and just couldn't hold anything else.

I do a lot on the weekends to help myself get through the week without using up valuable thinking space...
 -I prep my lunches as much as possible, cooking and freezing chicken, cutting veggies, measuring out my yogurt for my morning snack
-I choose all my clothes on Sunday and hang them on a butler hook on the outside of my closet door so all I have to do is put them on, no time having to think about what I am going to wear
-My bag is in the entry and all I have to do is grab it on my way out
You get the picture.

But last Friday, wow.  I have been learning a lot with my new position and have spent most days reading or doing on-line tutorials on how to use a new computer program.  Then Dave was outside working on the wood pile and I was inside doing one thing or another for the duplex (that's what my BIL calls the change in the downstairs for the kids coming home).  All in all a busy week.

Well, here was Friday morning. I had showered, I was dressed, I came downstairs to grab my lunch and go.  I had a big meeting that day with my big boss and the president of the university I work for, so I wanted to look good.  I was rocking this beautiful purple dress and and black and white patterned jacket. I walked into the kitchen where my husband was getting coffee.
"Did you forget to put something on?" he asked.
"No, what?" I said as I looked, tights, dress, jacket - all were accounted for.
"Um, you don't have a bra on."
"Oh Shit!"  I ran upstairs, got undressed, got dressed - with the bra this time - and was 10 minutes late to work.  So much for having the world by the tail that morning.

Now, how could he tell that I was missing my bra when I had a jacket on?  (The girls must be hanging a little lower than they used to.)

So this weekend, I'm didn't learn anything new.  I'm took lots of naps and on Sunday, when I chose my clothes for the week, I hung the proper underclothes with them.  Obviously, my brain can't be trusted.

In dire times, Nutella is the go-to health restorative food of choice.  It only makes sense to make some form of Nutella cookies...

Easy Nutella Cookies
1 cup Nutella
1 egg
1 cup all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 325°F.  Mix all ingredients together.  Scoop onto parchment covered cookies sheet.
Bake 6-10 minutes.
Makes 12 cookies

October 28, 2013   Daylight 8 hrs. 14 min. 43 sec.   Temp. H 43/ L 34°F

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