Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Night Fires and the Last of the Raspberries


I've been in a cleaning mood lately.  Mooree is not impressed because I spend too much time cleaning and his afternoon walk turns into a hurried couple of blocks instead of the 30 minutes we were walking, it doesn't help his walk time that it is about 28°F outside.  

Well, one of the things I uncovered is a laundry basket full of old papers, tax returns, expired warranties and old checks from 2015 that I cleaned out of my files during spring cleaning.  I told Dave we had to have a fire and burn that stuff, I was ready for it to go, and I wasn't going to shred all that.  So Dave started a fire in our little fire pit on the back patio and we fed it the old paperwork and some wood and enjoyed a fire on a cold  evening.  

I had a glass of champagne while we enjoyed the fire.  After my glass was empty I went over to the raspberry canes and picked the last of the raspberries that were still holding on.  After a quick rinse I HAD to have another glass of champagne, I didn't want those last berries to go to waste!

So, winter mode has set in.  I have to figure a way for Mooree to get more exercise, I guess I'll have to get him some booties for walking on the ice and snow.  I'm sure that will go over great.  And while I'm not really looking forward to winter, I do like how things slow down a little.  You snuggle down into sweaters or comfy blankets, we enjoy a fire inside or outside.  And we all take a deep breath before the hectic holiday season starts.  It is very quiet for me since I am still working from home and I'll have no travel season this fall.  I'm enjoying the change, getting some extra cleaning done and reading some great books.
I'll just have to buy my raspberries from now on.

October 14, 2020  Sunrise 8:42 am  Sunset 6:49 pm  Temp H 29/ L 17°F 

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